A primary purpose of the Foundation is to make available for free to the widest possible public numerous important Egyptological publications which are rare or difficult to obtain or consult. This will facilitate the widest possible dissemination of information and material which until now has been difficult of access to students, scholars, and the public at large.
The first major website project of the Foundation relates to the Temple of Seti I at Abydos.
The Foundation’s website will be in a continual process of expansion and enlargement.
Projects currently underway include modern editions and translations of ancient texts, details of which will be announced at a later date. These are being published by a scholarly society, subsidised for this purpose by the Foundation.
Translations into English are also underway of texts in French and German of Egyptological works which are out of copyright, ranging from complete books to brief notices. These translations will then be posted on the Foundation’s website as free pdf downloads. These will include rare and interesting articles on important subjects.
Out of copyright Egyptological publications of many kinds will be scanned and made available on the Foundation’s website as free pdf downloads. These will be added to the website continuously.